Analysis of business models, technologies, and the needed regulatory scheme for power system digitalisation in Turkey

Analysis of business models, technologies, and the needed regulatory scheme for power system digitalisation in Turkey

While the transformation of the energy sector provides great benefits in terms of decarbonization and optimization of the system, it also brings some needs that must be met. Current transformation provides resources for solution needs such as the management of distributed energy generation and electrification, grid optimization, increasing energy consumption, changing consumer expectations and digital data management. The widespread use of digital technologies such as robotic process automation, augmented reality, internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and blockchain in the energy sector, on the one hand, leads to a transformation in the internal activities of the enterprises, on the other hand, it increases the value creation potential and opens up new business opportunities. Innovative business models that focus on digital technologies are seen as a solution to take advantage of the opportunities that arise with the energy transformation and to cope with possible difficulties. However, while business models implemented on a global scale offer the opportunity to improve the energy system in many ways, they also reveal some needs. The steps that can be taken in the realization of digital business models in the Turkish energy sector are evaluated under the headings of current market structure, legislation, socio-cultural situation, financial conditions, technological infrastructure, network planning and urban development.

March 2022

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