Electrification indicates the conversion of a machine or system to the use of electrical power. Examples of electrification are the transition from gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles, from gas-fired boilers to heat pumps, and from gas-fired arc furnaces to electric ones.
According to SHURA’s energy transition scenario for Turkey, an annual electrification of 6-7 billion KWh is foreseen in 2030 as a result of the increase in electric vehicles, the use of heat pumps and electric cooking in buildings, and the transition from fossil fuels to electricity in transportation and heating. According to the SHURA Energy Efficiency study, the increase in electricity consumption due to electrification will be 6.6 TWh in 2030 https://www.shura.org.tr/enerji-verimliligi-cozumu-is-modelleri/. According to another study of SHURA, the share of electrification in final energy consumption will be 24% in 2030 and 30% in 2050, in line with current policies. The required share is determined as 49% in 2050 (SHURASTAT 17).
Electrification of end-use sectors such as heating and transportation is a vital component of Turkey’s energy transition strategy. Electrification allows to increase the efficiency of the system and increases the share of renewable energy in end-use sectors, provided that the electricity needed is supplied from renewable sources. Turkey needs to improve its current power system strategy, integrating electrification and sector coupling, to achieve a higher share of wind and solar power.
Demand-side response can play an important role in realizing the potential required to meet the peak demand increase caused by electrification, without the need for additional generation and grid capacity investment. Demand-side response, which has the potential to make electrification “smarter”, can avoid additional investments in the power system, increase power generation efficiency, and increase the high availability of variable renewable energy sources in the system.