Lessons from global experiences for accelerating energy transition in Turkey through solar and wind power

Lessons from global experiences for accelerating energy transition in Turkey through solar and wind power

As Turkey advances its energy transition, it can also learn from the useful lessons and experiences of other countries in order to accelerate progress in meeting its national policy goals. National energy transition narratives around the world involve both successes and failures. However, they provide firm evidence that it is possible in all countries to build a system that is cleaner, more efficient, and more reliable by harnessing the local potential of wind and solar energy.

This new SHURA report is based on the review of ten countries selected from different regions around the world. Together they represent around three-quarters of the total installed wind and solar capacity worldwide. It identifies four key areas that are crucial for energy transition, namely: (i) long-term energy planning, (ii) regulatory framework and renewable energy generation costs, (iii) system integration measures, and (iv) innovation in finance and business models. The objective of this paper is to provide a brief review of the selected countries against these metrics and to discuss the commonalities of countries based on their best practices and experiences.

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