Philipp Godron

Agora Energiewende

Philipp Godron is Programme Lead Power at Agora Energiewende. With his team, he works on topics related to the transformation to a climate-neutral power system in Germany. Philipp Godron has been with Agora Energiewende since 2016, and in previous positions has contributed significantly to the development of the international work and led the EnerTracks Training Programme.

 Prior to joining Agora, Philipp Godron worked for the Desertec Industrial Initiative (Dii) for more than five years. As team leader and co-author, he was responsible for Dii’s strategy reports on the design of a supra-regional electricity market based on renewable energies and coordinated market and regulatory analyses as well as electricity grid modeling. From 2009 to 2011, Philipp Godron advised the Jordanian government on the expansion of renewable energies as a CIM/GIZ expert. He started his professional career in 2003 at E.ON, where he was responsible for energy policy analyses as well as the coordination and strategic direction of the power and gas grid business. Philipp Godron studied European Studies, Politics, History and Philosophy in Cologne, Bologna and Berlin.