Erdem Sezer
Erdem Sezer serves as the Director of Sectoral Research at the Development Investment Bank of Türkiye. He focuses on the economic analysis and revenue modelling of high-tech sectors that are prioritized for Türkiye’s sustainable development, particularly renewable energy projects. He plays an active role in all of the bank’s projects related to credit evaluation and analysis, M&A, capital markets, financial advisory, and investment feasibility.
Previously, he worked as the Manager of Analysis and Commercial Strategies at AKSA Energy Trading, where he specialized in energy portfolio management, energy procurement, and forecasting energy prices and demand. During this role, he executed Türkiye’s first unlicensed solar I-REC certificate trade. Additionally, he collaborated with Deloitte Türkiye to prepare a comprehensive report aimed at developing the natural gas market, under the umbrella of the Energy Traders Association (ETD).
Before AKSA Energy, he managed the consultancy division at APLUS Enerji, where he contributed to several privatization and investment feasibility projects, primarily developing energy market price forecasting models. He also participated in strategic consulting projects with public institutions such as the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Energy Exchange Istanbul (EXIST), The Electricity Generation Corporation (EGC), and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.
Erdem Sezer holds a master’s degree in Energy Finance from the University of Dundee in the United Kingdom, where he was a recipient of the European Union Jean Monnet Scholarship. In 2008, he completed a certificate program at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, which included energy policies, and in 2010, he graduated from Bahçeşehir University with a double major in Economics and International Relations.